'Overburden', crochet, 190 x 50cm at its widest, Sommerudstilling, Tistrup, 2016.
'Overburden', detail.
'Toilet Doll' crochet, toilet, ca.150cm x1m x1m, Forårsudstilling, Charlottenborg, 2009.
'Growing Opposition', pen and ink, 65 x 50cm, efterårsudstilling, Den Frie, 2014.
'Growing Opposition*, detail.
'Rising Opposition', pen and ink, 65 x 50cm, efterårsudstilling, Den Frie, 2014.
'Rising Opposition', detail.
'Opposing Lines (Tug Of War), pen and ink, 65 x 50cm, efterårsudstilling, Den Frie, 2014.
'Opposing Lines', detail.
'Mounting Opposition', pen and ink, 65 x 50cm, efterårsudstilling, Den Frie, 2014.
'Opposing Lines (Stand Off)', pen and ink, 65 x 50cm, efterårsudstilling, Den Frie, 2014.
'Towers Of Opposition', pen and ink, 65 x 50cm, efterårsudstilling, Den Frie, 2014.
'Hugh Heffner', crochet, 20 x 5cm, Påskeudstilling, Aarhus, 2006.
'Christina Aguilerra', crochet, 20 x 5cm, Påskeudstilling, Aarhus, 2006.
'Princess Leia', crochet, 20 x 5cm, Påskeudstilling, Aarhus, 2006.
'Pamela Anderson', crochet, 20 x 5cm, Påskeudstilling, Aarhus, 2006.
'One Summer By The Pool', crochet mural, 3 x 2m, Forårsudstilling, Charlottenborg, 2006.
'One Summer By The Pool', detail.
'Positivity Is Overrated', embroidery, 3 x 2,5m, Påskeudstilling, Aarhus, 2005.