Dagmar Radmacher
Schleppen Verschleppen
Schleppen Verschleppen, 2 x 3.6m x2, fabric, crochet, buttons, sequins, felt-tip writing, thread on plywood frame with wheels, 6 hour participatory performance over 12km, various locations, Copenhagen, 2020.

Visiting the points in Copenhagen containing most meaning to me with my fathers families history in tow in the form of two meta flags. As I stop at my meaningful points I invite the public to add buttons to the flag, our stories are never pure but always get shaped by our surroundings, encounters and circumstances. I am investigating why, as a refugees daughter, I chose to become an immigrant first to the UK and subsequently to Denmark. My childhood was filled with stories of violent loss and how the worst that could happen to one is to be displaced. Why did I choose displacement over belonging? Is history bound to repeat itself? My fathers and my story get entangled within two flags.

'Schleppen Verschleppen' (haul abduct) was part of 'En Gallery Væg' (A gallery wall), curated by Ida Brottmann where different artists related to a wall on wheels in the towns where the individual artists live in Denmark.